Your Courageous Journey Podcast

Everyday, people do courageous things. Come listen to their stories and our commentary, be inspired, and hear professional advice from a therapist to upgrade your life.

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4 days ago

This is week we talk with one of the most important people in my life (Julie Faerber), my daughter Hannah. It always amazes me watching young people grow up and become wise adults, especially when it's my own kid. I love interviewing young people as you may remember if you listened to our episode with Julie Sickle's daughter Stella. Hannah shares her experiences with moving and changing her mind on career choice to go into a male dominated industry. Hannah is amazing and we hope you can take something beneficial away from this interview!

Thursday Sep 19, 2024

or This week we take a deeper dive into the idea of "embracing the suck" or embracing what is.  Why do we want to do that and how do we do that? Please check out or episode post on Facebook and Instagram to see the diagram of The Growth Zone. And please reach out to us if you have questions, comments, or want to share your story.  You can email us at or message us on Facebook or Instagram.

Thursday Sep 12, 2024

This week we talk with Julie Faerber's gamer friend Jace. He has had a pretty interesting life, including being in the military and going on to law enforcement. He talks about the important life lessons he learned from his military days and how it's shaped the person he is now and his outlook on life. He chooses to live life like the line from Lion King, hard things happen and you can either run from them or learn from them. It's definitely a mindset that could benefit all of us since we all face difficult things all the time.

Thursday Sep 05, 2024

Welcome back everybody to our 4th season.  The Julie's are excited to celebrate our one year anniversary of launching Your Courageous Journey today!  We talk about our vision for this upcoming year and share some new stories from our lives from this year. Please remember to download the episode and also reach out to us to share ideas, your story, or to give us feedback.  We appreciate you! Thanks for making this year so great for us.  Here's to another memorable one.

Thursday Jul 25, 2024

It's another wrap to another great season. As always we are so thankful for all you listeners and for those who have been courageous and willing to share their stories! We love you and we will see you back here in September for year two of our podcast journey!

Thursday Jul 18, 2024

This week's episode is short but sweet.  The message is a pretty simple one, doing good for other people not only benefits the people we serve but it benefits us as well.  Find out a little more about what research has found about doing service for others.  As always thank you for tuning in again and please reach out to us if you want to share your story or if you have any suggestions on topics you'd like to hear more about!

Thursday Jul 11, 2024

We are so excited about this week's episode because it's a little different and more upbeat than a lot of the topics we've touched on until now.  Trigger warning may be very hungry after listening to this episode.  Jennifer talks to us all about her experience with food and learning how to cook from a young age with her mom. It's been good for her soul. We hope you enjoy what she has to say and feel inspired to try something new in the kitchen! As always, if you want to share your thoughts or story please reach out to us at

Thursday Jul 04, 2024

We talked last week about hoping to have Kenny come on and tell his perspective on his addiction and road to recovery.  However his recent move proved to take more time than he had expected (as moves often do) but we do hope to talk to him soon!  So today we decided to fulfill John's request via email and talk more about the 911 dispatching world.  I've said this before and I really mean it; I am so thankful for the opportunity I had to learn more about how dispatching works.  The Julie's discuss some interesting stories as well as logistics and procedures of dispatching.  We hope you find it interesting.  As always if you have questions, requests, or want to share a story please reach out to us at 

Thursday Jun 27, 2024

In our mind moment today we discuss addiction. What is the definition of addiction? What types of addiction are there? What are signs of addiction to look for? Sandi mentioned in the interview that she had never had experience with this type of thing and there may be some of us out there that fall under this category.  This information is important for everyone because we never know who of our loved ones may become susceptible to addiction.  It could even be ourselves.  We hope you find this episode valuable and share.  As always thank you for listening!

Thursday Jun 20, 2024

This week we share our interview with Sandi and her family's journey dealing with addiction.  We are amazed at her willingness to be so candid about some of the very difficult details from this experience.  Some of those details can be extremely helpful to those who may be going through a similar circumstance.  If you have questions or comments please reach out to us at or on Facebook or Instagram at Your Courageous Journey.


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